My husband sez I am smart, thets whi he marred me,
He nose what he’s takin about, A&M giv him a degree.
When we do email, I hav to correct his spellin,
I don’t know wher he lernd to spell, ther jest ain’t no tellin.
He gives me a diagram headache, correctin him all the time,
If he’d jest listen to me, Id giv him a yankee dime.
I say, lets rite yur kids a letter, I know jest what to do,
We owe them one, Its ben long overdew.
Going to tel them we went up Dallus wey,
Went to sea the grankid, sat and watchd her play.
Her mom give me some flours, strait out of her garden growed,
I was mitey proud to git them, loaded the kar and hit the rode.
We heded for home, got on a fancy hiway,
Talked about the fun we had and how we spent the day.
He said, “Do I turn here or go strait ahed?”
I told him to watch wher he was goin or we’d both be dead.
I think weir goin to Huston, I can hardly wate,
Weir goin to get on email and set up a date.
I no I can find the house, easy as can be,
Cause he says I am so smart and he’s so proud of me.
This is one of my favorites. ;o)